Well well well, the first minute of 2010 was spent on hugging my mother and wishing her a happy birthday , and the next few minutes were spent on cutting the cake that I had baked for her and also on singing her the birthday song. The next 2 hours were spent mingling with the family, stubborn uncles, overly sweet aunts, annoying cousins and the like. Finally at 2:00 am everyone left. Another hour was spent cleaning up the house, I swear my family is stuffed with MESSY people! like seriously how hard is it to eat without spilling? So well eventually at 3:30 am we were done cleaning up and we went to sleep.
I was woken up literally like 5 million times by phone calls in the morning, calling to wish mom a happy birthday! The phone served me just like my non-existent alarm clock, now we all know why its non-existent...becuase it failed in waking me up so I just threw it out. So finally my eyes were ready to start the day at 11:00 am, I went downstairs to have brunch with the family and lo and behold! it was snowing outside. It was truly amazing to have breakfast in the kitchen with my mom, dad and bro and watch the snow falling down lightly onto the ground.
The rest of the new years day was spent lazing around and not doing much, loading pics from the party the previous night and wishing people a happy new year on facebook (which is pathetic I know!).
The night was spent on shabbat prayers and some yummmmy fried food :) like french fries, fryums and Bhajiyas :) and obviously coca cola :D
Sang the birthday song once again to mom and called it a night!
that ladies and gentlemen was my first day of 2010 :D not very eventful, except for the fact that my mom is a year older which means its that much more harder for her to run after me to hit me :D.
Yur new year was filled with lots of love, family n frnzz, mine was quiet the opposite! And snow... awww... sounds great!